Clinical studies on thyroid, testosterone, estrogen and melatonin.

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Clinical Research Articles




Current Status of Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Men
Stephen J. Winters, MD
Arch Fam Med. 1999;8:257-263

Andropause: introducing the concept of 'relative hypogonadism' in aging males.
Tan RS. International Journal of Impotence Research 2002 Aug; 14(4): 319 (no abstract available on PubMed).

Perceptions of and risk factors for andropause.
Tan RS, Philip PS. Archives of Andrology. 1999 Nov-Dec; 43(3): 227-33.

Andropause: endocrinology, erectile dysfunction, and prostate pathophysiology.
Hafez B, Hafez ES. Archives of Andrology. 2004 Mar-Apr; 50(2): 45-68 (review).

Andropause, testosterone therapy, and quality of life in aging men.
Morley JE. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2000 Dec; 67(12): 880-2.

Andropause: clinical implications of the decline in serum testosterone levels with aging in men.
Matsumoto AM. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2002 Feb; 57(2): M76-99 (review, no abstract available on PubMed).

Role of androgens in mild cognitive [thinking] impairment and possible interventions during andropause.
Tan RS, Pu SJ, Culberson JW. Medical Hypotheses. 2004; 62(1): 14-8.

Plasma testosterone levels in Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases.
Okun MS. and others. Neurology. 2004 Feb 10; 62(3): 411-3.

Acute Anti-Ischemic Effect of Testosterone in Men With Coronary Artery Disease
Giuseppe M. C. Rosano, MD, PhD; Filippo Leonardo, et al.
From the Department of Cardiology, Istituto H. San Raffaele, Roma and Milano, Italy.

Transdermal Testosterone Treatment in Women with Impaired Sexual Function after Oophorectomy
Jan L. Shifren, M.D., Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D., et al
From the Department of Cardiology, Instituto H. San Raffaele, Roma and Milano, Italy.

Testosterone deficiency: a key factor in the increased cardiovascular risk to women following hysterectomy or with natural aging?
Rako s, James A. Simon, M.D., Peter R. Casson, M.D., John E. Buster, M.D., Geoffrey P. Redmond, M.D., Regula E. Burki, M.D., Elizabeth S. Ginsburg, M.D., Raymond C. Rosen, Ph.D., Sandra R. Leiblum, Ph.D., Kim E. Caramelli, M.S., Norman A. Mazer, M.D., Ph.D., Kirtley P. Jones, M.D.,
J Women Health 1998 Sep 7 (7): 825-9


An Epidemiologist Looks at Hormones and Heart Disease in Women
Elizabeth Barrett-Connor
Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093-0607
J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.


Oxygen radical detoxification processes during aging: the functional importance of melatonin.
Reiter RJ.
Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio 78284-7762, USA. Aging

Prospects of the clinical utilization of melatonin.
Bubenik GA, Blask DE, Brown GM, Maestroni GJ, Pang SF, Reiter RJ, Viswanathan M, Zisapel N.
Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Ont., Canada
Biol Signals Recept 1998 Jul-Aug; 7(4):195-219